label这个单词的读音是 [ˈleɪbəl]。它是一个源自英语的名词,可以指代许多不同的含义。label可以是指一种标签或标记,用于识别物品的属性、用途或来源。人们经常在商品上附加标签来说明价格、尺寸、成分等信息。另外,标签也可以用于分类文件、书籍或其他物品。
label这个单词读作 [ˈleɪbəl],它可以指代标签、品牌、唱片公司等含义。要正确理解和使用这个词,我们需要根据上下文来确定其具体含义。
2、label created翻译
“label created”是一个英文词组,意思是“标签已创建”。在日常生活中,我们常常会遇到这个词组,尤其是在购物、物流和快递领域。
“label created”通常表示在购物或物流系统中的一个阶段,即商家或快递公司已经为某个订单创建了一个标签。这个标签通常包含了收货人和发货人的信息,还有一个独特的识别码,用于跟踪物流流程。当标签创建后,商家或快递公司通常会将标签打印出来并贴在包裹上。
在现代物流和电子商务的发展中,“label created”成为一个非常重要的环节。它使得商家和消费者能够随时随地跟踪包裹的运输过程,从而提高了物流的效率和可靠性。
“label created”是一个代表订单或包裹处于创建标签阶段的词组。它在购物和物流领域起到了关键作用,为我们带来了更快速、便捷和可靠的购物和商品交付体验。
LabelImg is a widely used tool for image annotation in the field of computer vision. In order to understand how to use LabelImg properly, it is important to know how to pronounce and use it in English.
LabelImg is pronounced as "label image," with "label" being pronounced as "leh-buhl" and "image" as "ih-mij." When using it in English, you can say "I use LabelImg to annotate images" or "LabelImg helps me mark objects in images."
To use LabelImg, follow these steps:
1. Install LabelImg on your computer. You can download it from the official GitHub repository.
2. Launch LabelImg by double-clicking on the application icon.
3. Open the image you want to annotate by clicking on the "Open" button or by dragging the image into the application.
4. Start drawing bounding boxes around the objects you want to label. Click and drag the mouse to create a rectangle around the object.
5. Add a label to the bounding box. You can do this by selecting the label from the dropdown menu.
6. Save your annotations by clicking on the "Save" button.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for all the objects you want to label in the image.
LabelImg provides various shortcuts and features to make the annotation process more efficient. For example, you can use the "Create RectBox" button to draw squares instead of rectangles or use the arrow keys to move the bounding boxes.
Remember to save your progress regularly to avoid losing any annotations. Once you have labeled all the objects in an image, you can move on to the next one.
In conclusion, LabelImg is a powerful tool for image annotation in computer vision. By following the steps outlined above, you can effectively use LabelImg to label and annotate objects in your images.